A Santa Clara DUI charge is a stressful ordeal. The embarrassment of the charges, the requirements for the DMV hearing and the complexities surrounding DUI law can all conspire to make you feel helpless and alone. However, with the right Santa Clara DUI defense attorney, you can improve your chances for a successful outcome at both the DMV and in the Santa Clara court hearing. You should make certain that your Santa Clara DUI lawyer is experienced in the courts, and has proven success in both misdemeanor and felony DUI charges. Our Santa Clara DUI firm has years of experience working with the courthouses in Santa Clara; we have a firm grasp of how the process works, and are able to assist clients of all types.
The results included on this page are those that our Santa Clara DUI defense lawyers have obtained for clients throughout the state of California. These results do not constitute any guarantee of similar results in your case – each Santa Clara DUI case is different, and only a personalized consultation with an experienced Santa Clara DUI defense attorney can provide the insight necessary to build a strong defense. If you've been charged with DUI in Santa Clara, please contact our offices right away to arrange for a free initial consultation. Let our experience and commitment to providing an exceptional defense for every client work in your favor for your Santa Clara DUI charge.
Very happy client in Palo Alto County Superior Court. Was initially charged with a misdemeanor injury DUI. After many court appearances and a lot of hard work the DA agreed to reduce to a regular DUI with no jail time.
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